Age in Place (Stay at Home)
Many older people can carry out their daily activities with little additional effort or difficulty as they move in to their senior years but for some the activities that once were routine become a challenge.
Although the move to assisted living may be discussed, often many seniors like the idea of continuing to live independently at home. Staying in the family home can be a much less costly and much more welcome alternative to assisted living and a viable option for some seniors at this crossroads in life. Increasing limitations on their activity is one of the most important reasons why elderly people give up their homes to move into a nursing home or institution. Options exist to assist seniors modify their current homes and enjoy an extended period of time living in a familiar and comfortable environment.
Contact us to book a consultation with a staff member. Seniors on the Move is ready to help you explore the options available to you or your loved one as you review if Age-in-Place is the right solution for your situation.